Trademarking Authenticity . Red Bull

® Trademarking Authenticity
Our founder talks about how it came about

🔴 Red Bull
Beyond just giving you wings

📖 Authenticity Roundup
Reading list for you about Authenticity

| Authenticity Report

Welcome to our weekly newsletter as we bring you all the latest from the Authenticity community.

Our founder was recently asked why he spent ten years trying to trademark the term Authenticity (& finally succeeded).

Here's his answer. 

"I have observed and listened to those trying to live a truly authentic life throughout my life and professional career. Those around me exemplified their true selves, either through actions or words.

The notion of what Authenticity truly meant didn’t hit me until I started working in the corporate world.

When I worked for a well-known beverage brand, I would often meet with top CEOs and CMOs of Fortune 500 companies - the ones whose products you use daily.

In almost all cases, they would tell me how the company I worked for successfully reached a younger audience was embraced and understood their culture.

In turn, they would say, “We spend millions trying to connect and be authentic to our consumers, yet we fail repeatedly.”

This statement was shocking, and I realized the need to understand this topic and its definition entirely.

I have observed that the term Authenticity is subjective and has turned into a “buzzword” over time. You can’t turn on the TV, read an interview or look on social without some mention of the word.

I would go to marketing conferences, and the speaker would throw “Being Authentic” and “Authenticity” around just to hit the key buzzword count without providing any real explanation or context.

It turned into a drinking game for us in attendance, toasting our imaginary beverage of choice at the mere mention of those words.

After reading Mark Lewman’s Is Your Brand Authorized to use Authenticity? article, I knew this would become a passion project to understand its meaning further.

Ten years later, after interviewing and surveying thousands of people from all walks of life, it has given us a new understanding of this term."

This newsletter is an exclusive benefit to our Authenticity community members. 

As always, share your thoughts or say hello at [email protected] 

| Red Bull

"What Red Bull stands for is that it “gives you wings…,” which means that it provides skills, abilities, power etc. to achieve whatever you want to. It is an invitation as well as a request to be active, performance-oriented, alert, and to take challenges. When you work or study, do your very best. When you do sports, go for your limits. When you have fun or just relax, be aware of it and appreciate it."

Dietrich Mateschitz - Red Bull Co-founder & CEO

Since its founding in 1987, Red Bull's roots have been in 'extreme' / action sports and pushing boundaries based on authenticity. They became an iconic brand and a category leader through their unique storytelling, athletes, innovations, marketing, and ultimately connecting to their consumers.

Here is what our community thinks.

"Their ability to stay true to their value structure is admirable.""As the saying goes, It gives you wings."

"An authentic brand is one that decides to be transparent and consistent in its messaging and branding initiatives. It has business values it remains true to, and most essentially, it is honest. The brand, athletes and employees at Red Bull create the authentic voice throughout all touch points."

| Ben & Jerry's Update

Ben & Jerry’s rebrands Change Is Brewing ice cream flavor to encourage Black voter turnout

Instead of its racial justice reform initiative, the mission of Change Is Brewing will be to help protect voting rights and encourage young Black voter turnout ahead of the Nov. 8 midterm elections. The rebranded ice cream is being distributed at historically Black colleges and universities and in large cities and rural communities across Southern states

| Authenticity Roundup

This week's interesting reads from around the web.

1. Women Are Leading Authentic Change at Allbirds, Levi’s, Parade and The Folklore (Yahoo)

They're doing it through global amplification, authenticity, teamwork, resourcefulness and boots-on-the-ground action.

2. How Founders Can Rediscover Their Authentic Selves (Foundr)

It's the most successful people around us who struggle with authenticity. Look at successful founders and business leaders. While it may appear from the outside that they have it all, there is often a lot going on internally that doesn’t meet the eye.

3. Overcoming Criticism By Staying True To Her Authentic Self (Majic)

Normani talks overcoming criticism, "At the end of the day, I'm me, and nobody's going to do me like me, and I'm not going to do them like them."

| What Authenticity Mean?


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